Asbestos Health Monitoring in the Workplace
We offer health monitoring specifically for those whom work with Asbestos to make sure that exposure of a person in the workplace to airborne asbestos is monitored.
However, apart from minimizing exposure as far as possible, the above does not apply to an asbestos removal area when it is enclosed to prevent the release of respirable asbestos fibres and negative pressure is used.
The health monitoring of an asbestos worker includes:
- Questionnaire around health issues that may have arisen with working with Asbestos
- Questionnaires of lung health, smoking habits past and present
- History of current and past exposures to asbestos. Documentation of what PPE was worn
- Clinical examination of chest sounds, nail beds and general health
- Spirometry examination to determine lung function for age, gender & height within normal limits
- Relevant medical & occupational history that could impact
- Referrals for base line chest x rays as required
- Report back to company